Can AI help us keep a seat at the table?

AI is all the rage today. After the 60 Minutes segment on it and responding to a question about AI in a podcast interview, I am curious to learn more and to consider AI’s benefits and risks. I see a lot of good that could unfold out of using it. And I see the potential to make us all virtual versions of ourselves, losing our authenticity in the process. My friend Susan posted AI-generated pictures of herself on FB. She looked fantastic, and yet Stepford-wife-like. Do we need headshots anymore? I’m sure my photographer, Jovanni, is shaking in his boots because he makes his living doing headshots. Can Bard help me do my job better? What if I asked Bard to write a draft of a staff report or a policy, or a letter?

Today, I asked Bard, Google’s AI engine, to explain the difference between purpose and legacy. You can ask Bard anything, and in seconds it will provide you with an answer. I’ve put Bard’s response in Red, below, and pick up my own voice below again in black.

What's the difference between purpose and legacy? - Answer by Bard

Purpose and legacy are two important concepts that can help us to live meaningful lives. However, they are not the same thing.

Purpose is the reason why we are here. It is what gives our lives meaning and direction. It is the thing that we are passionate about and that we want to achieve.

Legacy is the impact that we have on the world after we are gone. It is the sum total of our actions, words, and choices. It is what we leave behind for future generations.

Here is a table that summarizes the difference between purpose and legacy (the table didn’t paste, so I’ve created bullets instead):


  • The reason why we are here.

  • What gives our lives meaning and direction.

  • The thing that we are passionate about and that we want to achieve..


  • The impact that we have on the world after we are gone.

  • The sum total of our actions, words, and choices.

  • What we leave behind for future generations.

It is important to note that purpose and legacy are not mutually exclusive. They can work together to create a meaningful life. For example, if our purpose is to help others, our legacy might be a foundation that we set up to provide scholarships to students in need.

Ultimately, the purpose of our lives is up to us to decide. However, by understanding the difference between purpose and legacy, we can start to create a life that is both meaningful and impactful.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help you discover your purpose and legacy:

  • What am I passionate about?

  • What do I want to achieve in my life?

  • What kind of impact do I want to have on the world?

  • What will I be remembered for?

Once you have a better understanding of your purpose and legacy, you can start to live a life that is both meaningful and impactful.

Back to my authentic voice….see ya, Bard…

I’d say Bard did a darn good job of capturing the essence of purpose and legacy, but it’s a bit impersonal, right? That is the key, I believe. Make sure you put your personality into whatever you write. Bard doesn’t have our memories and pictures in our heads, and Bard doesn’t have a sense of humor that feels real. In my book, my section on this topic includes personal stories and experiences, and a few laughs. Now, too, I have changed my expectations and desire to be perfect with grammar and spelling. Perhaps a typo or two is the way to “keep it real.” So from now on, I’ll go easy on myself when I don’t catch an error before going to print.

I do think we are now at a crossroads in society, and we need a new pronoun for AI - not “he” or “they” or “she,” and not “it.” I’m not sure I like the fact that Bard is a male name because now I’m prone to referring to Bard as he. I’d prefer a number, like T-101, a reference to the Terminator films. — Nori J 7/15/2023


How to Feel Empowered